Friday, February 11, 2011

My Breaking Musings...

I am watching the buzz on Twitter, blogs, and websites, and I find myself getting increasingly giddy as we are FINALLY at least within sight of the first Breaking Dawn movie. Okay, so it's still like NINE FREAKIN MONTHS AWAY! At least we're in the right year, right? Right?

It's kinda like waiting at the church doors waiting for the new couple to come out so you can pelt them with bird seed shower them with your love as you share their happy day. Give us a freakin wedding already!
Just to recap the high points so far...we have FEATHERS! I know we all thought there was no way they could leave out the feathers, but this is still a major win! Think of some of the things they skipped - blood typing (who wouldn't want to see Bella practically passing out in Biology?), Bella cooking for Charlie, Carlisle in rotting potatoes (he would still be totally hot), a Cullen house that was a hundred years old with a wrap around porch, and that's just the first book! But, look at what we got in return: the porn 'stache, the Cullen Crest, a spider monkey, a graduation cap collage, and dancing in the gazebo during that last conversation of the book/movie.

Yeah, the bench under the madrone trees sounded nice in the book, but isn't a twinkle-lit gazebo SO much better???
For me, New Moon had some MAJOR fails. The score was too overpowering and loud. The Volvo switch-up was quite disappointing. Rasta-Laurent. Alice's. Wardrobe. What the hell were those people THINKING? But, they got some things incredibly right. The. Sex. Walk. The birthday party, Volterra, time passes, phantom Edwards, and ballsy Bella telling Edward to shut up. Thank. God! Eclipse had some good and bad. I was ecstatic that they managed to get the "punched a werewolf in the face" line in there, and they did not completely fuck up the tent scene. I can ignore the fake snow and no coat after she nearly froze to death because the tent scene is decent. Even if the Jake kiss wasn't very convincing, the scenery made up for it.

Like this, which helps me avoid copyright bitching from Scummit because it's not actually from the movies.
Let's recap what we have so far, shall we? We have the happy couple frolicking through the crowded streets of an apparently happening city in South America. We have a beautiful house on the beach that fits Isle Esme perfectly, in my humble opinion. We have feathers! Oh, wait, did I already say that? Yep, I guess I did. We have our lovely newlyweds frolicking in/near/at a waterfall in very little. We have the chessboard on the beach with the right colored pieces. We even have the Swan house decorated for Christmas. As happy as I am about all of these things, my heart soared this past couple of weeks when I heard that Carter Burwell is going to score the movies. I was absolutely giddy (GIDDY, I tell you!) when I heard the rumor that Carter had written Renesmee's Lullaby, which Rob was supposed to be playing and singing this week during filming. Mother. Fucking. SQUEE!

Like this, but better!
I think we all have certain little scenes from books or movies that stand out in our minds, so I have thought a bit about what parts I would like to see in the movies - like the "punched" line. My guilty pleasure scene would have to be the "Fido" bowl. Let's face it, we really haven't gotten to see Rosalie have much fun in these movies - with the exception of busting through Royce's door in that wedding dress with *that* look on her face. Of course, we got to have fun watching her prance around on those stilts Cathrine put her in to make her taller than Alice, but we won't count that as her having fun since she looked like she was in pain. Maybe that's why Jasper looked like he was in pain. He was feeling hers...

Speaking of foot pain, this is what happens when my fair-skinned offspring is left to his own devices when it comes to sun protection...ouch!
What are your thoughts on the Breaking Dawn news (and recent lack thereof) so far? What guilty pleasure scene are hoping they squeeze into the movies?

(which is exactly what my mom would call me if she saw this post and the language it contains)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

For Moms of Boys

So, it is not my intent to make this blog a serious one, but I had a fantastic mom moment this week that I just had to share with my friends here. I have an 18 year-old son that is in his first year of college approximately 7 hours away in a neighboring state. He is doing very well, and I have to say that I have done better than I really expected since this IS my first born we're talking about.

Age 3 on Easter Sunday and Age 18 on Senior Prom Day! All together now...awww!
 He called me while I was at work on Friday, and I am SUPER slammed at work and really only spoke to him for about ten minutes. He asked if I had seen his post on facebook, and I asked which one. He knew that I hadn't seen it yet at that point, so he told me that he didn't want to spoil it. He had tagged me so that it would send a notification. I told him I would check it out as soon as I could. Here is said post:
"Eldest Son's Name Here" heard Shinedown's version of "Simple Man" on the way to class today and it brought a tear to my eye. Reminded me of the first time I heard it on the radio in the car with my mom and she turned to me and said "This is what I want for you." I love you "LoriAnnTwiFan's Name Here" and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. I'm glad I have the chance to make you damn proud of me.
Cue the waterworks...yeah, I cried. I'm a sap like that. If you have never heard the song (previously recorded by Lynyrd Skynyrd), here is the acoustic version done by Shinedown at someone's house - not mine, I don't have a TV that nice!


I really do feel like the lyrics to this song are incredibly profound and, well, simple! Here they are:

"Simple Man"
Songwriters: Ron Van Zant, Gary Rossington

Well mama told me, when I was young
Said sit beside me, my only son
And listen closely to what I say
And if you do this, it'll help you some sunny day

Yeah it will

Or take your time don't live to fast
Troubles will come and they will pass
You'll find a woman and you'll find love
And don't forget that there's is a someone up above

Be a simple kind of man
Be a something you love and understand
Baby be a simple kind of man
Oh won't you do this for me son if you can
(if you can)

Forget your lust for the rich man's gold
All that you need now is in your soul
And you can do this(oh baby)if you try
All that I want from you my son is to be satisfied

And be a simple kind of man
Be a something that you love and understand
Baby be a simple kind of man
Oh won't you do this for me son if you can
(if you can)

Oh don't you worry
You'll find yourself
Follow your heart
And nothing else
And you can do this(oh baby)if you try
All that I want from you my son is to be satisfied

And be a simple kind of man
Oh won't you do this for me son if you can
So baby be a simple be a simple man
Oh won't you do this for me son if you can

I am glad to have a chance to share something positive with you guys since I have not been on top of the world in the past couple of weeks. By the way, the "New" New Year's was a tremendous success! Things really seem to be turning around, and I am SO glad they are!
