Friday, January 28, 2011

New Year's Eve - The Do-Over

Have you ever had one of those days when you know very early on that nothing good can possibly come out of this day? It doesn't have to be a huge, major problem; it can simply be comprised of several small, annoying things that add up to a crappy start. For example, you get the kid ready for school and get yourself ready for work. Your part of the way to the school when you realize you forgot something that you cannot leave at home. Then, you pass the entrance to your own neighborhood - where you have lived for 9 freakin' years - because of the early morning fog.

Okay, so I did a google image search of fog, and I see this. Fanfic has made me a very naughty girl...couldn't resist!
Here's another one - if you get ready for work and stop at the gas station on the way to work and put $50 worth of gas in it only to find that none of the gauges on your dash work when you start the car again. Okay, I have another vehicle at home, so I'll just go back to the house and swap out. Oh, yeah...that one is out of gas too. Spending $80 on gas before 8:00 am is kind of a bummer. That is how pretty much ALL of 2011 has been for me so far. So, what's a girl to do?

It's like getting an almost perfect shot - and then not...

I decided that I started the year out entirely wrong. I've always heard that whatever you're doing at the stroke of midnight is what you'll be doing all year. How stupid is that? I mean, really? I don't throw salt over my shoulder if I spill it, and I didn't even know "splittin' the pole" is supposed to be bad luck until about six months ago. So, of course, I never put any stock in the stroke of midnight thing. Besides, if you hafta work, you hafta work...and I had to work. Until 4:00 am - well into the first of January. That put me home - thoroughly exhausted - around 4:45. My life has sucked ever since. So, I've decided that this just won't do. There is NO way that this craptastic month is going to represent the rest of my year.

Google search for work sucks - hmmm...need to go read some MoTU after this pic!

A very good friend of mine - and fellow Twilight fanatic - is feeling my pain and has graciously agreed to re-ring in the New Year with me this weekend. She made a trip to the adult beverage store tonight and spent a good chunk of change to prepare for our newly christened New Year's Eve tomorrow night - after a girly trip to the nail salon for a little pampering pedicure. I just might spring for the french manicure, which I am normally too cheap to add. If any of you wish to join us in this effort, Saturday, January 29th at midnight is the second coming of 2011. Make a day of it and do something just for YOU! And if anybody gives you any shit about it, just send them my way.

Oh, yeah, baby! Like this, only less one FANTASTIC bartender!

And a warning to 2011 - you better be better this time, or I shall have to kick your ass. Or, I may have to sic my ferocious dog on you...

I will bite you - okay maybe not, but I will intimidate you...fear me!

So, tell me about a really obnoxious, irritating day / week / month / whatever you have had! Ya know, Misery Loves Company...gotta love Paramore, right? Better yet, tell me how you cheer yourself up when you have said day / week / month / whatever!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hello, Blogging World!

So, this is my very first blog posting. It may be crap. It may be gold. Feel free to comment and let me know what you think. Just don't be nasty - we all have to start somewhere, right?

For starters, this blog WILL discuss Twilight related topics. A LOT. If this is your thing, welcome! If not, bug off!!

Talk to the hand, non-twi beeches!

I started my journey into the Twilight rabbit hole by purchasing a copy of the DVD. Scratch that.

I bought Breaking Dawn in hard back for my step-daughter when it came out. I offered to take her to the midnight party at our local B&N, but she isn't a crowd person and didn't want to go. At this time, it was *her* thing. She had read them all and was anxiously awaiting the final book. I bought it, gave it to her, and didn't think much more about it. Until the movie previews came out. Being an Anne Rice nut through The Vampire Chronicles, I was all about going to see a vampire movie, even if it was a "teen" vampire movie. She wasn't. She didn't think the casting was just right. Whatevs. So, we didn't go.

So, maybe I wasn't quite this upset at the time. Now, I know what I misssed.

Flash forward several months...the DVD came out. I met my ex and my 17 year old at Best Buy to look at stereos for son's car. I had already decided that I wanted the DVD, but I hadn't summoned the appropriate amount of courage to just do it. We decided on a stereo model and the kit he needed to make it fit his dash right. I waited around for them to leave. The ex talks. A lot. I kept waiting and trying to seem disinterested in anything he had to say. It wasn't hard. I kept wandering the store waiting for them to leave. They finally left. I finally bought it. I watched it twice in a row when I finally watched it - alone.

Much, much better!

Flash forward several more months...I have pre-purchased the Double Feature tickets for a total of five people at my local theater, bought a gray peacoat and red scarf (for the festival!), various tees from Cafe Press, and I have arranged to leave work early for the evening's festivities. Wow. What a big difference a few months and four audio books make! From a closeted interest to a fully outed fan, from twitter and blog cluelessness to maintaining both and meeting a vast array of FANTASTIC people all over the world, and from a mostly productive member of society to a full on fanfic addict and beta reader. It's been quite a ride, and I am so glad to be a part of this fan community.

See! Don't we look like we're going to the St. Marcus Day Festival???

So, here's to Twilight and the common interest that has brought so many of us together who would never have had the opportunity to get to know each other without it! Speaking of those, I can't even begin to start this without a huge shout out to Twitarded and Inspired by Lemons. You chics rock my world!